Router-CIM Automation



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Knowledge Notes


Use of the Knowledge commands will substantially reduce the time required to program a part(s). Once knowledge is created, it may be use repetitively without having to be re-created for each part or drawing.


Each new drawing becomes a knowledge base once you start Router-CIM in it.  If the drawing is saved with cuts in it, it is a knowledge base.  The \Router-CIM\NCDWGS\"Machine Name".DWG drawing file is inserted into the current drawing when you load Router-CIM. A knowledge base drawing can contain several hundred blocks. Tools, Cycles, Saved Knowledge, and lead-in/out drawings are among those blocks. Once the part program drawing is complete, the user can strip the extra blocks out of that drawing before saving by using Save Without Knowledge or the AutoCAD Purge command.


Note on Knowledge Base

Users should keep a growing knowledge base on the hard disk.  Every time you make a Cut whose cutting condition can be used elsewhere, use the Save Knowledge command and name that condition. This will Save the cutting condition within the drawing.  At the end of the drawing session, Export the knowledge(s) to the disk drive.


Important note about Purge

The Purge command will delete any Saved Knowledge that has not been Exported and is not present on the screen when the command is used.

Saved Knowledge is an invisible, not inserted, block that is stored within a drawing.  You can see this block listed in the drawing by using the block command and looking for blocks that start with "know_"

The Purge command has to be used three times to completely remove data from the drawing.  This strips all blocks that are not inserted, so it is important to Export the Saved Knowledge which writes the knowledge(s) to a file on the hard disk.