Router-CIM Automation



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Installation Quick Start


Make sure you are logged in with at least Local Administrator privileges on your system.


The CutSim application is installed in the following manner:


1) Insert the DVD into your DVD Drive

2) Allow the DVD Drive to read the DVD and Installation should start automatically


Note: If the Installation doesn't start automatically, navigate to your DVD Drive, right-click on this drive and select the 'Explore' option, double-click on the SETUP.EXE file.


3) Follow the prompts on the screen once the installation has started. The installation will place the appropriate files from CutSim 2015 into the correct folder locations. For more information and a step-by-step procedure, refer to the Installation section of this manual.

4) Once the installation has been completed, reboot your computer

5) After the reboot, CutSim will have been successfully installed

